Saturday, December 10, 2016


Mandalas are geometric, circular symbols that are generally symmetrical and often very complex. They are important in the Buddhist and Hindu religions and represent the universe. These religions deal a lot with symbols of repetition (things that are found in most cultures can be linked back to nature, even, for instance, brand logos and spirals). A well known symbol that is used in some mandalas is the Yin-Yang, although this is among the simpler looking. The word mandala comes from Sanskrit, meaning disk.The base for all mandalas is a circle inside of a square, and inside the circle there are many patterns that spiral into the middle. Mandalas are often used to aid meditation and spiritual endeavors.

Image result for mandalasImage result for mandalasRelated image

Image result for mandalas

1 comment:

  1. This is a really good post! You covered all the basics about background and meaning, but I wish you maybe included some mandalas in color in your images.
